2021 Memory Studies
2021 Memory Studies
2021 Flight Studies: part of The FEN, the first NFT collection on the Tezos market
2019 Hogar: an oportunity to see a bigger picture
2018 Estrellas: a window to the starry sky.
2018 Órbitas: realtime simulation that explores the patterns generated by planets and satellites.
2017 PixelSpirit: one deck of cards for the modern GPU wizard of light
2017 LUNA: together with Jen Lowe
2017 GUAYUPIA: in the search of a land with no evil. Together with Jen Lowe
2015 LineOfSight: find and track satellites
2015 RandomCity: though the streams are chaotic, they coalesce into a digital harmony
2015 The Book of Shaders: Who said #shaders are a dark art?
2014 SKYLINES: three projects about awareness and tools for seeing
2014 Point Cloud City: private data landscapes of public places
2013 CLOUDS Documentary: collaboration of poetic Visual Systems
2012 FlatLand: collaboration with Zach Lieberman for New Cinema Hackathon at EyeBeam
2011 Efecto Mariposa: realtime ecosystem simulator
2010 Communitas: collective drawing interactive installation