2021 LYGIA: HLSL/GLSL Shader Library designed for performance and flexibility.
2021 LYGIA: HLSL/GLSL Shader Library designed for performance and flexibility.
2020 HILMA: 3D geometry library.
2020 ADA: simple library for creating apps in Windows, MacOS, Linux and Wasm
2020 MidiGyver: your MIDI swissarmy knife.
2020 OpenLiDAR: DIY your own LiDAR scanner with unexpensive parts.
2018 HYPATIA: geo-astronomical library based
2016 glslEditor: Web app to edit GLSL shaders (WebGL/JS)
2015 glslCanvas: tool to load GLSL shaders on HTML Canvas using WebGL and JS
2015 glslViewer: live-coding shader tool for MacOS, Linux and RaspberryPi (OpenGL ES /C++)
2014 ofxBundler: Bundle files reader for openFrameworks
2014 ofxVectorTile: wrapper for 3D Labeled Maps at Mapzen
2014 ofxStreetView: openFrameworks addon to extract 3D StreetView Panoramas
2014 ofxPiTFT: openFrameworks addon for Adafruit's RaspberryPi TFT Touch Display
2014 ofxThermalPrinter: openFrameworks addon for Adafruit's mini thermal printer
2014 vPlotter: Wireless wall Plotter power by a RaspberryPi
2013 ofxFluid: GPU Fluid Simulator for openFrameworks
2013 sNode: GLSL Shader prototyping tool wrote on openFrameworks and powered by Syphon
2013 ofxVoro: 3D Voronoi addon for openFrameworks
2013 ofxPulseSensor: serial client for Arduino's PulseSensor
2012 ofPlay: UI/UX exploration designed to help openFrameworks beginners
2012 ofxInteractiveSurface: reactive surfaces with dynamic mapping addon for openFrameworks using MS Kinect Sensor
2012 ofxComposer: life GSLS Editor and graphic patch composer addon for openFrameworks
2011 ofxFX: GSLS Shaders easy to use addon for openFrameworks
2011 Kinect Core Vision: CCV + Kinect + finger tracking
2009 JoyOfLight: iOS, OSX, Linux and Windows light drawing tool